Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Treat Card Review

I remember as a child running out to the mail box to see if there was any mail for me and the excitement I felt when I received a card or even a simple hand written letter. But with today's technology, people are giving out fewer and fewer cards. I can typically count the number of Christmas cards I receive each year on my fingers and toes and I can't remember the last time I got a birth announcement in the mail but that's about to change!

I was asked to check out and review Treat, a division of Shutterfly, that makes card giving super simple, easy, and personal! We recently attended a funeral for a family member in Michigan and I decided to create a thank you card for my sister-in-law and brother-in-law for letting us stay with them.

Adorable, no? And I'm sure you're wondering just how easy this really was. The website walks you through everything step by step but there are basically 5 simple steps. 

1.  Choose your template
2.  Upload, place, and adjust your pictures
3.  Customize the sayings
4.  Choose to send the card to the recipient or to your home so you can view it first
5.  Save the item to your cart and check out!

I love that I was able to add special pictures of my little ones to customize the card, especially since we live so far away and typically only see our family members once a year. My other favorite features has to be the ability to send the card directly to the recipient. No need to hand address, stamp, and make your way to the post office. For a busy, working, mother of 3 this was a huge plus!

With the simplicity of the program, a wide variety of templates available, and the ability to customize as needed I can totally see myself getting sucked up into the world of Treat! After all, everyone loves to get mail, especially when it has adorable pictures of my children on it!

Swing on by their website, www.treat.com and begin your card making journey, you won't regret it!

***I was not compensated by Treat and all opinions are my own.


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