Monday, July 21, 2014

Catch the Moment 365 ~ Week 28

Life seems to be getting back to normal, for now. We had a very relaxing week at home with no doctor's appointments for the first time in a month! Bailey's foot is all healed up, Hunter has continued to grow like a weed, and Tyler is still Tyler.

July 11, 2014:  I made our favorite cookies today, too bad they didn't turn out. Why oh why are no-bake cookies so hard to get just right!?! On the upside, I found out later in the week that these actually help increase milk production. Sounds like a good excuse for me to make another batch and eat them all by myself. :0)

July 12, 2014:  Bailey loves our new rug. She likes to lay on it in the mornings and watch cartoons or in this case talk nonstop and drive me bananas!

July 13, 2014:  Yippee for pool time! Bailey's first time back in the pool since her surgery!

July 14, 2014:  Another adorable baby expression.

July 15, 2014:  Tyler loves to snuggle with his baby brother. They are going to be the best of friends!

July 16, 2014:  Bailey, being Bailey.

July 17, 2014:  Hunter has found his hands this week. They belong in his mouth. All the time. And check out those chubby little fingers!

We will be heading out for a family vacation in a few days. We're meeting up with Brandon's brother and his family in Kentucky. The kids are just a little bit excited!

Check out some more awesome 365 projects through the link below!

Nurse Loves Farmer


  1. That last pic is especially precious!!

    1. Thank you! Just trying to remember how chubby those little arms were/are!

  2. Wow, Bailey's eyes are stunningly blue!! Looks like you had a great week; love the photos!!

    1. I adore her eyes! They tend to get her out of a lot of trouble...

  3. Cute pictures in this post and the one below!!! Adorable kids!


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