Sunday, August 18, 2013

A Fond Farewell

You've been a major part of our lives for the last 2 years, this is a bittersweet goodbye. I'm excited to no longer have to frantically search the house to figure out which toy you've been stuffed in, but saying goodbye also means that my little girl is growing up and that makes me want to cry.

I've been avoiding taking Bailey's only lovey, her paci, away from her for a while now. We tried to take it away and failed in our attempt a few weeks ago (read Dad gave it back to her because he couldn't take the screaming). But this past week, I seized the opportunity.

I had already begun to limit her paci use to only in her crib and had collected all of the random paci's that were hiding in the bottoms of the toy bins. One morning, she went back into her room and snuck her last paci out of her crib, and left it on my bed. It 'disappeared' a few minutes later and hasn't been seen since.

She complained for a few minutes when I laid her down for her nap that day. I could hear the sad whines coming from her bedroom 'My paci aw gone.' So I picked the pieces of my heart up off the ground, squished them back together, and turned the tv up just a little bit louder. She hasn't mentioned it in a few days so I think we're past this phase. Hopefully she doesn't figure out which drawer I hid them in (I should probably take care of that soon).

Thank you Nuk for all of the wonderful memories. We're going to miss you around here.


  1. Sounds like the second time around has gone much smoother! Good job!! Goodbye Nuk!

    1. So much better! I'll miss this phase for sure, but looking forward to the next!

  2. ugh such a difficult moment. My girls were not paci babies, but my little brother was. I think it was harder on my parents and I when we got rid of it LOL. I hope it has gone well!

    1. So much harder on me! I'm really surprised I didn't spend more time crying! She's doing well, and forgets about it until she sees a baby with one or someone mentions it!


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