Saturday, August 3, 2013

Time For a Change

It's time to shake things up a bit around here. When I started this blog 5 years ago I really didn't know what I was doing (not that I really do now either!). Since then my family has grown and changed, and it's time for my blog to reflect that change. But I'm not sure where to go?

1.  I need a new name. One that won't be as easy to trace directly back to my kids. That way, when they are older, their friends can't google search them and find out what they said/did as youngsters and use it to tease them. But I'm in no way creative. Suggestions?

2.  Debating a new platform. Stick with blogger, switch to wordpress, or get my own website?

3.  Re-design. I'm not sure yet if this is a task that I am capable of or if I should hire someone to complete it for me.

Any ideas or suggestions are welcome. I need all the help I can get! Hopefully, in the next few months you'll see some major changes going on!

1 comment:

  1. Best of luck, it is so hard to be creative with names. My suggestions are: A view into these two, From diapers to diplomas, Fun, Fab and Sticky

    Re-design is fun!!


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