Friday, August 16, 2013

Top 5 Saturday Laughs: 8-17-13

It's hard to believe summer vacation will be over (for me) in 2 days. I'm excited to get back to work, but sure am going to miss those morning snuggles with little Miss Bailey. The kids were on a roll this week! I hope you enjoy their craziness. I'm linking up with Melissa over at The Mommyhood Chronicles again!

dentistmelsbbutton 11 Saturdays Top Five Laughs  Come Join Our Blog Hop!

5.  We have 2 dogs and Bailey refuses to call Zoe by name, but has no problem saying the other dog's name. Every morning she wakes up and says 'hi doggy!' to Zoe. I tell her that the dog's name is Zoe and ask her to say Zoe. Her response every time is 'Doggy!'

4.  I told Bailey it was nap time and she told me 'No want nap. Want watch Mitty Mouse in Daddy bed.' When did she get so big!?

3.  Bailey has recently decided she doesn't want to eat. But if I offer her plate to Tyler, she'll gobble her food up in less than a minute!

2.  {This one isn't so funny, but is sweet!} We've been explaining to Tyler that our 12 year old dog isn't going to live forever to prepare him for the inevitable. He asked me one morning to take a picture of her so he never forgets her.

1.  Tyler thinks of the weirdest things when we're in the car. One afternoon he announced, "Mom, I wish you could open up the windows so the hot air can mix with the cold air that's in the car and make rain."

Have a great weekend!


  1. Awww. I can't wait for my toddler to start talking. Right now she loves to say Bye and Mine. Her grandma is visiting and everytime Madison sees here she says "bye!" and waves, it's too funny especially since I would love to say the same thing too. :)

    1. Don't wish it to come to soon! Once they start, they never stop! Loving that she tells Grandma bye! What a funny 'inside joke'!

  2. I love my car talks with my preschooler, she says the most profound things like you boy. he got me with #2...there are tears in my eyes

    1. Isn't it amazing how the car and the shower cause us to have the best thoughts? Even when we're young! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Yup! I find a good way to get my 3-year-old to eat her food is to offer it to her sister... Quite effective. And number 2 IS very sweet. Also, I think they remember more than you think too from this age - my daughter still very clearly remembers her trip to the pumpkin patch last October as a random example - so I maybe get lots of pics with him and dog for him :)

    1. I couldn't tell him no! We'll be taking many a picture of them together for sure!

  4. I love the rain one. Oh, how I wish we could get some rain. It's just too dang hot here (100 degrees).

    1. If only it was as simple as opening up a window! :0)

  5. Haha, too funny! Love that she only calls one dog by name. "Mitty" mouse always seems to be a hit with kids, love the way she says it. Tyler is such a sweetie!

    1. She's such a silly girl! I'm thinking this Christmas is going to be a Minnie kind of year!

  6. How was the first few days of work?? Haha- Doggy is easier,lol!! That is so my kids with #3! Tyler is a hoot! Such cute laughs! Every week- you just make me smile, even if I had a bad day! Thank you!!!!

    1. Exhausting, but fun! We had the best pep-rally to kick off the year! So glad you enjoy the craziness that is my family! :0)


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