Friday, August 23, 2013

Top 5 Saturday Laughs: 8-24-2013

It's been a crazy busy week, my first week back to school for the year. Our district decided to do something they have never done before and threw a pep-rally to get the teacher's excited. It was amazing! There were more than eight thousand teachers and staff members in attendance. We watched performances from a local high school band, the Panther cheerleaders and the Bobcat cheerleaders plus multiple motivational speakers. I'm pretty sure I could be one of the cheerleaders, after a lot of surgery! ;0)

I'm linking up with Melissa again over at The Mommyhood Chronicles!

dentistmelsbbutton 11 Saturdays Top Five Laughs  Come Join Our Blog Hop!

5.  Bailey fell down the stairs tonight, but only the last 2. She wasn't hurt, but did manage to scare herself pretty bad. Ty heard her crazy screams and immediately came down stairs to ask if she needed to snuggle with Tyler.

4.  Because I'm an awesome mom, I've been bribing Bailey to get her potty trained. She's pretty much got it down now, but big brother isn't ready to let go of the treats yet. 3 hours after she went on the potty last, he told her she could have a sucker because she went potty and sent her downstairs after one. She listens to him for some reason and told me "Mommy I get tucker I go potty" which is Bailey speak for I went potty, where's my sucker.

3.  The kids were playing in the front yard and I decided to let our little dog out with them for a minute. Within seconds the little stinker did her business in the yard. I grabbed a bag, cleaned it up and started walking it to the trash can. Bailey followed me throwing a fit because she wanted to carry the bag full of, well... Go figure.

2.  Going along with number 4, whenever ANYONE goes to the bathroom in this house Bailey claps, cheers them on and then exclaims "Yay, we go Donald's!" (Yay, we get to go to McDonald's!)

1.  Little Miss is too grown for her own britches. She now grabs things she knows she shouldn't have, and even things that are actually her's while proudly showing them off and yelling "Ha Ha!"

Have a great weekend!


  1. Haha, grabbing and saying HA HA is the best! love it.

  2.'re little ones are so cute! And what a way to welcome the faculty back! Sounds like they're doing things right!

    1. Thanks, they are strange little beings. ;0) And, our new-ish Superintendent is certainly working to make his teacher's feel empowered once again!

  3. Haha-mommy I get tucker! I wish that worked for Zane lol! Good job Bailey and bribery is always the way to go-LOL! Haha- she wanted to carry the bag- too funny! If she only knew what was inside. We go to McDonalds- this is hysterical! Such cute laughs!

    1. She did know what was inside!! LOL!! I just wonder how long we'll have to hear about the bribery before she figures out she isn't getting treats every time anymore!

  4. That is SO CUTE! When we go to my sister's house (she has two dogs) the FIRST thing my 3 yr old does outside is look for dog poop, like it's a treasure hunt! EVERY single piece of mulch, dark rock, fat sticks, she get so excited, but nope sorry, those are not dog droppings :)

    1. Good to know I'm not the only mom of a poop obsessed toddler! :0)

  5. Hahah! Your kids have such adorable personalities. :)


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