Friday, August 9, 2013

Top 5 Saturday Laughs: 8-9-2013

It's been a laid back week around our house. We've all been trying to relax before heading back to school in just a few days. Did I just say days? Yipes!! No worries though, the two munchkins still managed to provide us with a few laughs! Linking up with Melissa over at The Mommyhood Chronicles!

dentistmelsbbutton 1 Saturdays Top Five Laughs  Come Join Our Blog Hop!

5a.  This happened a few years ago, but it sets up the next laugh and I figured you'd want to know. Tyler was 3, and we had just asked him to go brush his teeth. A few minutes later I heard him gagging and throwing up. I went into the bathroom to find that he had used a hand soap/water mix (which he made himself!) to brush his teeth and rinse with.

5b.  Bailey loves to wash her hands, but she never seems to get all of the bubbles off. I caught her licking them off her hand on night and told her not too because it's gross. Tyler quickly informed her "Yeah, and it'll make you throw up too!"

4.  I got my wisdom teeth pulled out late last week. Tyler hates it when I'm not my normal self. He repeatedly asked me if I was ok and if I could talk yet.

3.  Bailey has finally figured out that she is her own person. Now, when she sees her picture she squeals "Dat me!" as she beats herself in the chest. She's also enjoying finding her reflection everywhere!

2.  Bailey got in trouble the other day and proceeded to run upstairs, go into her room, and slam the door. She's 26 months old.

1a. Again, this one sets up the next laugh. Tyler was sitting on the couch with Brandon and I watching tv. Out of no-where he tells us "I'm not ready to be a Daddy yet." We were confused.

1b.  We've been trying to break Ty of sucking his thumb by only allowing him to do so in his bed. I was teasing him tonight and told him when I tucked him in to take it out of his mouth. His response:  "I'm in my bed mom. And, I'm not sleeping with my wife." Apparently Grandma told him he could suck his thumb until he gets married.<---- Explains laugh 1a!

Have a great weekend!! :0)


  1. Oh that is so cute - not ready to be a father yet and he doesn't want to sleep with his wife! Did you ever ask him who is wife is?

    1. LOL! I edited it to make a little more sense! I think he was trying to tell us that he could suck is thumb in bed until he's married, which he doesn't want to do because he wants to keep sucking his thumb. Sill boy!

  2. thanks for stopping by. Following you on bloglovin, twitter and google +.

    I love when Dino has tempertantrums...I crack up...them let him know who is boss.

  3. #3 is so cute, and I can relate to #2. The drama starts early with girls!!!

    1. She's a drama queen for sure. Something I was not prepared for when I found out she was a girl!

  4. Haha- with the name change- I am like who is this blog-LOL!!! Oh wisdom teeth removal- I did not know that! How are you feeling? Haha- I am not ready to be a daddy! so stinkin cute!!! LOL laugh #1! Such cute laughs!!! xo

  5. I think I've confused a lot of people with the new blog/name! I've quit shaking and my blood pressure is back to normal from the wisdom teeth. I think I'm done going to the dentist for a few years. ;0)


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