Tuesday, August 6, 2013

My Love/Hate Relationship With School

The count down is here. I'm already beginning to receive the mass e-mails and phone calls. In just a few short days I will be headed back through the front door of school in preparation for my new students who will arrive a week later. Part of me is super excited for the return, and part of me not so much. Being a working mom often leaves me torn between my two worlds. Between the hugs, kisses and words of affection from my own children and my love for teaching.

To re-assure myself, here are my top 5 reasons for loving teaching:

5.  The adult interaction! Although there really is very little, it is nice to have a conversation once or twice a day with someone over 3 feet tall.

4.  Lighting the fire! I love showing my students how fun learning is, and watching them get excited over new experiences.

3.  Making a difference. It's amazing to think that one person can make such a difference in the life of a child. I like to think that I will forever be an influence on each and every one of my children. I mean come on, who doesn't remember their Kindergarten teacher?!?!

2.  The challenge. Have you ever tried to keep 24 five year old's quiet and engaged all by yourself? Nuf said.

1. I love what I do. I love teaching. I love watching them enter the room not evening knowing there name and leave me reading like a champion.

I just convinced you to become a teacher didn't I! No? Okay, so it's not a job for everyone, but I really enjoy it. I'm going to miss my babies like CRAZY and part of me will forever wish that I could stay home and enjoy them while they are still little, but that just won't work for our family.

To all the SAHMs out there, I'm a little jealous. To all the working moms, I feel for you.

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